How to Pick a Basic Lock

If you have a little sibling, without a doubt they have tried to steal something for you and then run into their room or any other room and lock the door. You then are faced with two ways to get the thing they stole back. You either have your parents to get it back for you, or, you try to pick the lock on their door, fail, and have your patents get it back for you. And there my friends, is where I come in. All you need to pick a lock are 3 things: A lock, a clickable pen, and something your siblings stole. First, you take apart the pen and pull out the ink holder part. Once you’ve completed this, insert the pen into the hole and start to move the tip around the inside. The pen should lock in place, and you can’t jiggle it anymore. Then, give it a push and the door should open. To hide your universal pen, just put it back together, and your sibbling will never be able to know that it is the key to their room.





3 comments to How to Pick a Basic Lock

  1. viviann735 says:

    This is going to help me so much. Thanks!

  2. mckennonr511 says:

    It really works thank for this handy tip it Arcady got me out of a lot of tight stations but try giving a litel more specific instroctions

  3. kirc654 says:

    I wish you posted this earlier! My little sister loves to take my makeup, lock the bathroom so she can mash it up to make a thick goop of black eyeliner and and whatever powder she can find. Hopefully with this post I can catch her in the act.

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