7th Grade Reflections

School, if you look around, in every classroom and every hallway, there’s some sort of motivational or inspirational poster with writing on them like; “Don’t be a fool, stay in school,” or “learn from your mistakes and move on,” or the WORST: the ones that are written in lies, such as “LEARNING IS FUN!” If you search up school on the internet, you;ll find poorly-drew pictures of books, pencils, binders, stick-figure kids holding hands, or an apple with a worm in it. These all show you the “happy” side of school and learning, when really, school can’t be summed up in a picture of school supplies. In my experience of 7th grade, it’s a whole new level of stress. I’m not just saying this to scare off 6th graders, “im saying this from experience. In middle school, you can always find at least 3 things that screw you and your grade up. Horribly.

The first thing to know when you start you first day of school is to memorize your schedule and you locker combo, and memorize it fast. I’m talking within the first 2-3 days of being a 7th grader. I’m begging y’all, PLEASE don’t be that one guy that is late every day to all of your classes within the 1st 2 weeks of being here, because those people are the worst. My advice is to rig your locker somehow. If you bring your phone to school, keep it turned all the way off and in your backpack, if you’re worrying it will get stolen.(Which it probably won’t, thanks to the security cameras.) To rig your locker you need to get something to do the jamming of the lock. My advice is to use a pen cap. Do you’re combo, pull up on the lever and hold it there, and on the inside door of your locker, put the pen cap between the lock. If you’ve done this right, your lever should be jammed up, and you should be able to spin your lock without it locking. Just be careful to make sure it doesn’t jam, or else you’ll have to go to the office to fix it.

Some ways to get to your class faster is really quite simple. In the morning, if you get there fast enough, just sit by the library. It’s right next to the hallway, and it will give you an extra 1-2 minutes to get to your classes. You also have 7 minutes to get to your morning class, unlike all your other passing periods, which are 5 minutes long. Also, if you get to school really early, you can go down to your locker early. If a teacher is there near the stairwell, you can just walk down the 6th grade stairway.   Another really useful tip on getting to class early is to take advantage of the outside paths.


Oh humans, why do we judge?

The human race. We are considered the most complex and intelligent animals on the planet. We have made great history all over the world, created many great momuments and building. We have found cures for so many diseases. But besides all that, we can-and some of are- judgmental and stereotypical. But why?  Many people in our culture like to think that we are all equal, and we are not judged by what we look like, but who are on the  inside and the choices we make. Unfortunatley, thats not always true. Many people dont know it, but tons of people judge others every day by what they’re wearing, their skin color, and their race. Take tattoos for example. If you have one, you are categorized as “immature”,  “unemployed”, and a “punk”. People get tattoos to express themselves. A tattoo is just a piece of art, but put on your body. Most people that get tattoos to show who they are and who they want to be. Yes, some people have more tattoos thatn others, but does that really matter? should it matter? To the human race, it kinda does. A person’s future  may rely on if they have a tattoo. Another Example where the human race has screwed up horribly is someones skin color. Like African Americans. For centuries, blacks have been abused, made fun of, and have been mistreated. I mean, come ON PEOPLE! WHY does this still happen today? WHY cant we just love each other? WHY? we’ve had SO many conflicts on the subject, SO many deaths because of it,  for goodness sakes, we’ve had WAR on the subject, just because us humans are too flipping blinded by stupid racial stereotypes, that we actually go allong and support them. One other example, I have from personal experience. I cut my hair to donate it for a cancer patient, to help someone in need. I willingly lobed of 15 inches of my hair. Whenever I go walk around the mall or the shopping center, I almost always get some sort of funny look from one person. People judge me and instantly catogorise me as “punk rock” or “no good rebel”, without knowing the reason behind why I have short hair. In conclusion, just don’t be like so many people around the world. Please get to know someone before you make fun of them, or judge them.