Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

T start off my blog, I am writing about a book I am currently reading. the book is titled Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board by Zoe Aarsen. it is a sci-fi paranormal themed book. its is about McKenna Brady, a high school girl who lives in a small town, who gets accepted into the popular social circle. she is invited to a sleepover by Olivia Richmond, the most popular girl in school. after watching a series of movies, they quickly get bored. Hannah, another girl who was recently gets accepted into the popular circle, suggests a game called Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. one person lies on the ground with 4 other people around the person with their fingertips underneath him/her. the person at the head of the person lying down tells a gruesome story about how the person lying down dies. they then chant all together :Light as a feather, stiff as a board.” then, the chant supposedly hypnotizes the people holding the person lying down, allowing them to lift the person with only their fingertips. they then try the game, with Olivia laying down. Hannah then tells a story about Olivia’s death. she is at the mall, buying a new pair of shoes. her car cannot start, so she hitches a ride home. then, it starts to hail. the person driving Olivia cannot see the road, and hits a 16-wheeler head on. Olivia then is in a car wreck. her shoes and her arm are found on the side of the road, leaving the remains of her body misconfigured. 2 weeks later, Olivia was in a wreck. the setting was the same as Hannah told the night of the sleepover. McKenna is very suspicions, and is trying to find out how Hannah fits in to the story, and if she did in fact, kill Olivia.

4 comments to Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

  1. matthews400 says:

    I think that this a very cool and scary book. Who are the other 2 people if there is supposed to be 4 people. If I read this book, I would get nightmares. Your summary is very discriptive.

  2. williamb782 says:

    We’re they able to pick up the person?

  3. ariana712 says:

    Wow, I would defiantly want to read that book! You used a lot of descriptions and your review is so good, I want to get the book, now!

  4. ariana712 says:

    Wow, I would defiantly want to read that book! You used a lot of descriptions and your review is so good, I want to get the book, now! 🙂

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